Saturday, December 30, 2017

Catching Up for 2017 Souvenir Pix

     Anne Dirkman (KC9YL), Nancy Hall (KC4IYD) and Carol Hall (W8CSH) mother and daughter Amateur Radio Buddies, all from the USA, are catching up on their souvenir pictures to send as I say my LAST and FINAL CALL ;) ;) ;) as if in the net call. 
    Anne (KC9YL) posted her framed Mabuhay x-stitched call way back March 2017 on her Facebook page, this time with her photo holding the framed call.
    One (1) more day to go before the NEW YEAR !!! 
KC9YL Amazing Anne - USA
KC4IYD Amazing Nancy and W8CSH Amazing Carol - USA

Friday, December 29, 2017

Past President of the YLRL is in the House...

    Anne Elizabeth Manna (WB1ARU) sends her lovely souvenir pix just 3 days before the year draws to a close. 
    She is the President of the Young Ladies Radio League Inc. (YLRL) in the year 2008-2009.
   For more on Amazing Anne   and
WB1ARU Amazing Anne - USA


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

2017 Year-ender Souvenir Pix Amazing YLs

   Fifty (50) Amazing Young Ladies collected for the year 2017. And souvenir pictures keep on coming before the year ends. Hoping to make the final video/presentation in the 1st week of January 2018.
DU7P Amazing Ricna - PHILIPPINES
JQ6FQI Amazing Kouko - JAPAN
JI8KXC Amazing Masako - JAPAN
JI8KXC Amazing Masako - JAPAN
VE3HQH Amazing Heather - CANADA

KB4RM Amazing Rose-Marie - USA
The Latest Video (RAW) was updated November 2017

Souvenir Pictures Received in September, October and November of 2017

      As the collection of Amazing YLs grow in numbers, so as the souvenir pictures received.

G4IAQ Amazing Judith - ENGLAND

BU2BE Amazing Emily - TAIWAN
JQ6FQI Amazing Kouko - JAPAN
VK5YL Amazing Shirley - AUSTRALIA
VR2XYL Amazing Pansy - HONG KONG
AC5QQ Amazing Linda - USA
JH1ACA Amazing Nobuko - JAPAN
7K4TKB Amazing Yukiko - JAPAN

JN2OWE Amazing Michiyo - JAPAN
VE5AQ Amazing Val - CANADA

KJ9NYL Amazing Janine  - USA
VA3WHU Amazing Carole - CANADA
AF7BI Amazing Marilyn - USA
K4SAF Amazing Carol - USA

MABUHAY X-stitch Call Souvenir Picture Received on Christmas Day !!!

      I am very happy to share with you the awesome souvenir photo of the MABUHAY x-stitched call in a customized frame/matting sent by lovely Amazing Lyn from Sweers Island, Queensland, Australia.
   Amazing Lyn's shirt says "Christmas Ham!" ...
   HAMmy HoliDX indeed!!!

VK4SWE Amazing Lyn from Sweers Island, AUS

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

MABUHAY Calls and Souvenir Pictures that Inspire and Promote Friendship...

The SMILES on these  Amazing Young Ladies' faces and the Framed MABUHAY calls inspire me to keep on making more MABUHAY x-stitch calls and hunt for more Amazing YL Hams. Great souvenir pictures to collect and keep from "FRIENDS" in  Ham Radio All Over the World.

*The header "MABUHAY"  which is a very famous Filipino greeting meaning "Long Live!"  is very important. It is a simple  indication that you are in good relation and in good faith with the PHILIPPINES...

Amazing Michiyo , JN2OWE from JAPAN

Amazing Anne , KC9YL from the USA

Amazing Putu , YC9FAR from INDONESIA

Amazing Ellen , W1YL from the USA

Amazing Ria , N2RJ from the USA

Amazing Dawn , WA4YL from the USA

Amazing Katie , WY7YL from the USA

Amazing Skye , KA7SKY from the USA

Amazing Dolly , DU1DLY from the PHILIPPINES

                       *Souvenir Pictures showed til August 2017 only.
               *See next blog for the additional souvenir pictures.

Monday, December 18, 2017

A Hobby within a Hobby...

As a hobby, cross-stitching really takes time and patience.
You have to count the threads on a piece of evenweave fabric (such as linen or the so called AIDA cloth) in each direction so that the stitches are of uniform size and appearance. If making with a patterned design counting is very crucial. You really have to have a keen eye and dexterity.

In relation to Ham Radio, I am having fun stitching while listening to DXing stations and  DU/DX nets. It is like doing two(2) hobbies at the same time. And so QSX which in Q-codes means "Listening" became "Listening while X-stitching..." to me.

 My QSX means "Listening while X-stitching"
DW3TRZ X-stitching Area

Saturday, December 16, 2017


I was first introduced by Niece Haynes (KA1ULN) to the Young Ladies Radio League Inc. (YLRL) group through  FaceBook sometime 2016. For a period of time that I was active on FaceBook then, met other Amazing Young Ladies such as  Anne Elizabeth Manna (WB1ARU), Ria Jairam (N2RJ), Andrea Slack (K2EZ) who is Ria's DX Buddy, all from the US and Jenni Eileen Jones (M0HZT) from the UK. 

It was Anne Elizabeth Manna (WB1ARU) who searched an sponsor for me to be a DX member of the league. She found a very generous person of the same name, Anne Dirkman (KC9YL). They provided full support and technical assistance should any YLs needed one in their amateur activities. I in particular. And so I am very grateful to these SIX (6) Amazing Young Ladies for their Goodwill and Friendship through Ham Radio.

Niece Haynes KA1ULN

Anne Elizabeth Manna WB1ARU
Ria Jairam N2RJ

Andrea Slack K2EZ
Jenni Eileen Jones M0HZT

Anne Dirkman KC9YL

Friday, December 15, 2017


When it started...

Amateur Radio Callsign Collections of the Amazing Young Ladies started around the first quarter of 2017. First made as a token to my sponsor in the Young Ladies Radio League Inc. (YLRL)   Anne Dirkman (KC9YL) from Wisconsin, USA.

Anne Dirkman KC9YL from the USA

Amazing Barbara Yasson AC7UH YLRL President receives Mabuhay Cross-STitched Callsign

      Amazing Barbara Yasson, AC7UH Washington, U. S. A.