Monday, December 18, 2017

A Hobby within a Hobby...

As a hobby, cross-stitching really takes time and patience.
You have to count the threads on a piece of evenweave fabric (such as linen or the so called AIDA cloth) in each direction so that the stitches are of uniform size and appearance. If making with a patterned design counting is very crucial. You really have to have a keen eye and dexterity.

In relation to Ham Radio, I am having fun stitching while listening to DXing stations and  DU/DX nets. It is like doing two(2) hobbies at the same time. And so QSX which in Q-codes means "Listening" became "Listening while X-stitching..." to me.

 My QSX means "Listening while X-stitching"
DW3TRZ X-stitching Area

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Amazing Barbara Yasson AC7UH YLRL President receives Mabuhay Cross-STitched Callsign

      Amazing Barbara Yasson, AC7UH Washington, U. S. A.